The Beatles first visit to the USA started with a press conference at JFK airport.
February 7th, 1964
#OTD in 1964, The Beatles began their first visit to the USA with a press conference at JFK airport. Today is the 60th anniversary of the start of their historical trip.

February 8th, 1964
#OTD in 1964, the day after The Beatles arrived in New York for their historical first US visit, the band do a photoshoot in Central Park without George, who has a bad throat and has to stay behind at the hotel.

February 9th, 1964
The Beatles’ first live Ed Sullivan performance is aired. 73 million people were reported to have watched - a record at the time. “We were aware that Ed Sullivan was the big one because we got a telegram from Elvis and the Colonel. And I’ve heard that while the show was on there were no reported crimes, or very few. When The Beatles were on Ed Sullivan, even the criminals had a rest for ten minutes.” - George

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